RSPro Paddle Grip Hexa
Product Details
RSPro Paddle Grip Hexa is an ultra light and ultra thin Paddle Grip with HexaTraction technology Increased grip in 6 grams: Improve the grip of your paddle, avoiding wax, sprays, tennis tape and other messy odd jobs.
– Improve your reach by having a constant reference for hand placing.
– Choose Yellow Fluor color option to easily spot your paddle.
– Single measure to fit most paddles in the market.
– Easy to install auto-adhesive technology.
– Design&manufacturing in Barcelona.
– 1 piece. 28cmx10cm (11″x3.9″). 6 grams.
– Ultra thin HexaTraction® technology on a super thin layer.
– Adhesive backing.
– For paddles with a shaft perimeter up to 9.5cm (3.7″).
– Does NOT work on tapered shafts.